Red Rock Crab

Guinusia chabrus (Linnaeus, 1758)

This crab is common along subtidal reefs and in rocky crevices. Living along exposed coasts these are fast moving crabs dodging waves as they move through the kelps and sea squirts they live and feed amongst.

How to identify Guinusia chabrus?

Colour ranging from reds to browns covered with small dense hairs has a squarish shape to the body (carapace) with four defined notches across the front the eyes feature between two of those outside notches, the side of the carapace has three spike-like triangular notches. The legs feature a series of outward angled spikes on the section closet to the body, whilst the claws feature a couple of rows light coloured knobs.

What habitats does Guinusia chabrus live in?

Can be found on reefs or in rock crevices, under rocks at the low tide level out to depths of around 50m or more

What is the distribution of Guinusia chabrus?

Southern Indian and Southern Pacific Oceans, including South Africa, New Zealand, and Chile in Australia it is found in southern temperate waters including around Tasmania

How big does Guinusia chabrus grow?

Can grow to around 70mm across the carapace

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Disclaimer: A lot of work goes into trying to identify and ensure accurate identifications are made and that the listed Descriptions, Sizes, Habitats and Distribution information is as accurate and valid as possible. Unfortunately, information in this arena is ever changing and as such no guarantee can be offered that it is correct or currently valid as a result the information is provided as a guide, and it is always suggested that you do a little research to ensure you have the latest and most accurate information. View the reference's or bibliography I welcome any feedback and comments on the information provided.

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