Eleven-armed Sea Star

Coscinasterias muricata Verrill, 1867

It is the largest starfish in southern Australia it has seven to fourteen arms, with eleven being the commonest number. The aboral (upper) surface of the arms has longitudinal rows of short spines along the surface and margins and the oral (lower) surface has two rows of tube feet. The colour is orange mottled with shades of blue, green, grey and reddish-brown. This starfish is prone to shedding its arms, making it asymmetric until new arms have grown

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What habitats does Coscinasterias muricata live in?

It is common around southern Australia and New Zealand where it is found on rocks, under boulders and in sandy habitats to depths of about 150 m

What is the distribution of Coscinasterias muricata?

Its range extends in Australia from Houtman Abrolhos in Western Australia to southern Australia, Tasmania and eastern Australia as far north as Port Denison in Queensland

How big does Coscinasterias muricata grow?

Can reach a diameter of 50 cm

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Provided by The Atlas of Living Australia
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Disclaimer: A lot of work goes into trying to identify and ensure accurate identifications are made and that the listed Descriptions, Sizes, Habitats and Distribution information is as accurate and valid as possible. Unfortunately, information in this arena is ever changing and as such no guarantee can be offered that it is correct or currently valid as a result the information is provided as a guide, and it is always suggested that you do a little research to ensure you have the latest and most accurate information. View the reference's or bibliography I welcome any feedback and comments on the information provided.

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