Beachcombing - Tomahawk, Tasmania


The beach is a place to discover and unwind beachcombing is a great way to do this


Going for a walk along the beach and picking up a shell or something else we find is something nearly all of us do from time to time and whilst we think nothing of it this is the simplest form of beachcombing.

Whilst today beachcombing has grown bigger worldwide and like many things technology plays a great role in this. With our phones now able to take photos that are able to record the exact location and time of finds but also allows us to post these finds to social media and citizen science projects that allow our scientests and educators to access this detail more readily than ever before.

For those that have children they know how much fun it is for them to roll over a rock and find that crab or starfish and be amazed by its colours or the way it moves trying to scurry back into cover. This is also a great way to create and activity such as a treasure hunt to find a certain type of crab or stafish and learn from that about these species and where they come from or how to tell a male from a female. As we all look for ways to get out into nature and share that experience with others bechcombing offers a great way to do this and to learn as we go.

Sea Life

The species that can be found in our waterways and the sea in and around our area

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Bird Life

The bird species that can be found living and visting in and around our area

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Plant Life

The plants and fungi species that can be found growing in and around our area

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Wild Life

The marsupials and reptiles etc. that can be found in and around our area

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Bug Life

The bugs, insects or creepy crawlies that can be found in and around our area

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Please note that these lists are not a complete list of sepecies as this is an ongoing project and is being added to as often as possible and relies upon having the imagery and information to complete each record

We encourage users of this site to supply images and information to help expand these lists as much as possible
The Seashells of Tasmania: a comprehensive guide The Seashells of Tasmania: a comprehensive guide Cover
An Introduction to Marine Life An Introduction to Marine Life Cover

Why not share your finds with others

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