Rainbow Cale

Heteroscarus acroptilus (Richardson 1846)

Males have two rows of broad dark blotches along the sides, iridescent blue lines on the head, a blue submarginal band on the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins, and elongate anterior dorsal-fin spines. Females and juveniles are yellowish to greenish or reddish-brown with dark markings on the sides.

How to identify Heteroscarus acroptilus?

What habitats does Heteroscarus acroptilus live in?

Rocky Reefs and sea grass beds up to a depth of 15m

What is the distribution of Heteroscarus acroptilus?

Southern Australian coasts

How big does Heteroscarus acroptilus grow?

Can grow to around 24cm

Common Name:
Family Name:
Conservation Status:
Provided by The Atlas of Living Australia
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Sorry I do not have any videos for this species at the moment I am working hard to bring more video content as often as I can

Disclaimer: A lot of work goes into trying to identify and ensure accurate identifications are made and that the listed Descriptions, Sizes, Habitats and Distribution information is as accurate and valid as possible. Unfortunately, information in this arena is ever changing and as such no guarantee can be offered that it is correct or currently valid as a result the information is provided as a guide, and it is always suggested that you do a little research to ensure you have the latest and most accurate information. View the reference's or bibliography I welcome any feedback and comments on the information provided.

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